UMS is involved in the provision of the skilled and unskilled labor to the employers as per their requirements. We know that change being a constant phenomenon permeates the lives of individuals as well as organizations. UMS enables organizations and individuals to bring about desired change and survive in the ever changing environments. Our expertise in training and development allows us to create tailored courses, workshops, seminars and certified programs for our diverse clientele. All programs have 'Modular Kits'. Each module kit is a combination of solution based tools and techniques specific to the identified problems, whether individual or organizational.

We as UMS would like to develop a long-term relationship with our clients. We strongly believe and confirm that Human Resources (HR) plays a crucial role in the real growth and smooth running of an organization. Over the years, it has developed into a science, which incorporates a complete cycle that To our understanding People have one thing in common; they are all different UMS involves every aspect concerning the employees in an organization. Whatever capacity people are working in, we believe in their diversity and the enhancement of their immense unexplored potential

HR Development

Focus: HRD is the integrated use of training and development, organization development, and career development to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness. Those three areas use development as their primary process, and are the focal point of this study.

Training & Development

Focus: Identifying assuring, and through planned learning–helping develop the key competencies that enable individuals to perform current or future jobs.

Organization Development

Focus: assuring healthy inter-and intra-unit relationship and helping groups initiate an manage change

Career Development

Focus: assuring an alignment of individual career planning and organizational career–management processes to achieve an optimal match of individual and organizational need

Organization/Job Design

Focus: defining how tasks, authority, and systems will be organized and integrated across organizational units and in individual jobs

HR Planning

Focus: determining the organizational major human resource needs, strategies, and philosophies

Performance Management Systems

Focus: assuring individual and organization goals are linked and that what individuals do every day supports the organizational goals

Selecting and Staffin

Focus: matching people and their career needs and capabilities with job and career path.

Employee Assistance

Focus: providing personal problem solving /counseling to individual employees


Focus: assuring best possible compensation and benefit package and retaining the habit of consistency.

Union/Labor Relations

Focus: assuring healthy and pleasant working conditions between unions/labors and the management

HR Research and Information Systems

Focus: assuring an accurate human resource information system

Human Resources Integrated Information System

We can provide complete HRIS (Human Resources Integrated Information System/Solutions) for your business. Our team can provide you complete HR management system to enable you to handle your finance and human resource/ pay roll, as integrated solution. We offer customization, documentation, training, and support